School methods
Here you can see an example of stereotyping a race.

SOURCE: Republiekallochtonie, 2020
Here you can see an example of muslim people being accused of terrorism because they are talking in their own arabic language. This was a picture in a history textbook.
This is another example of stereotyping/ racism
This is the time schedule childeren are being taught in history classes. Each period has its own information that the childeren must know based on the history education system in The Netherlands.
Bij Slavernij
De kinderen luisteren naar de leraar en realiseren zich er in de Nederlandse geschiedenis ook zaken zijn waar we niet trots op zijn, zoals de WIC en slavernij.
De kinderen bekijken twee websites en geven antwoord op de volgende twee vragen:
Hoe was het leven op een plantage?
Wat weet je nu over slavenopstanden en weglopen?

Ze kunnen ook boeken raadplegen, zoals:
- Vrijgevochten van Thea Beckman.
- De negerhut van oom Tom van Harriet Beecher-Stowe.
- Enzovoort.
The students are being taught how amazing The Netherlands was, still is. They focus on wars that they've won, important inventions that were invented by dutch scientists and many more vicotories. But what about the black pages of dutch history?
An unacknowledged reservoir of knowledge and affects based in four hundred years of Dutch imperial rule plays a vital but unacknowledged part in dominant meaning- making processes, including the making of the self, taking place in Dutch society (Wekker, 2016).
‘’To treat each other with respect, knowledge about different values and norms within a culture or religion, is necessary!’’ (Hand, 2018)
But as already stated Dutch classrooms are very diverse, why is it not common that most of the schools do not celebrate holidays that are part of their pupil’s cultures or religions? Holidays like Divali; Ramadan; Thanksgiving; Chanoeka; etc