The population of Rotterdam: 638.712 people in 2018. Rotterdam has 63.656 children attending primary schools in Rotterdam.
50% - 319.356 people of the population of Rotterdam: immigration background. What we can conclude from this number is that Rotterdam has 31.828 children with different migration backgrounds in 2018 (Allecijfers, 2019).
The Netherlands counts around 17 million people (CBS, 2019). This country has 154.000 primary school teachers in 2017. However, in 2017, 66% of the primary school teachers have a western background and are mostly not colored (Traag, 2018).
This means that in 7 out of the 10 times when you look in a classroom, you will see a white teacher; teaching a mixed class.
'Are teachers aware of their responsibility to pupils of color that they have as educators?'
V, 10 yrs old,
I have Aafrican hair and I need to pit a lot of stuff in my hair to maintain it. It smells strong, but not disgusting. The teacher said I 'stank'. 'Can't you just use a small amount, the whole class smells'
M, 10 yrs old
One time I did something.The teacher was scolding me, I was ashamed and looking down to my shoes. I was embarassed. The teacher then said: 'Look at me when I am talking to you!' I was so shocked, because at home, it's disrespectful to look at the person that is scolding you. I started crying, because I was so confused.

A, 11 yrs old
We allways have to learn about white important people for the dutch history. Why can we not lear about Nelson Mandela or another colored male/female. That is much inspiring.
E, 10 yrs old
When I went to play outside, some other kids called me 'zwarte piet'. They said I was as black as zwarte piet. I did not like that and told my teacher. She said I need to get over it.
K, 12 yrs old
I could not eat, because it was Ramadan and then I did not feel good. I asked my teacher if I could sit on the bench with PE classes. She got mad at me and said, nobody is forcing you to not eat. 'Do you want to have a banana!'
S, 11 yrs old
We are very religious at home. My religion says we are not allowed to celebrate. With Sintrklaas, all the childeren got gifts, except me... I was not allowed to take part in the 'surprises'. I did not make one and I did not get one. I was very sad that the teacher made me work on maths. I felt left out. Everyone was celebrating.

M, 11 yrs old,
The teacher asked me if I could take of my hijab and that I am too young for it.